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Change Log

Keep track of changes to the Kiva Partner API.

This changelog lists all additions and updates to the Kiva Partner API, in chronological order.

October 14, 2021

  1. Additional documentation on scopes and 403 errors.
  2. Internally updated documentation ordering

September 30, 2022

  1. Released updated documentation portal.

September 26, 2022

  1. Image Upload Improvements for Loan Drafting: The loan_draft endpoint now accepts an image_encoded field, and the image_url field has been deprecated.

Additional Details

Image upload improvements for Loan Drafting

Historically, Kiva accepts borrower images in the image_url field. In order to protected the privacy of our borrowers, we recommend our partners update their implementations to send the image through the image_encoded field. To maintain compatibility, image_url will continue to be supported, but it will be removed from the official documentation.

This new field accepts a base64-encoded binary image string. Base64 encoding is a common way for transforming binary data into text so that it can be passed through a text-based protocol, i.e. HTTP with a content-type of application/json. You can find more documentation on this field on the Model section of our Swagger UI page for drafting loans.